Release of Giffordpiece 2020

Here we are folks, at the end of a crazy year – 2020. We are please to announce the release of this year’s Giffordpiece Theater. We hope this year’s Giffordpiece brings you some fun relief and some laughs to liven up your holidays.

Click the image below to go the Giffordpiece 2020 page to stream the video. Just be aware that though we use YouTube for hosting most of our videos, they are hosted as either unlisted or private videos that you cannot find in a YouTube search. You can only get to them with the specific link. Thus, don’t try to watch the videos from YouTube – it doesn’t really work. Also, this year’s Giffordpiece is actually an embedded playlist that will not work on YouTube or in the YouTube app. To get the FULL experience, just open it in this website and then make it full screen. And, if you are watching on a mobile device, don’t forget to turn on screen rotate and turn your screen sideways to be able to make it full screen.

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